journalism and media studies

A journalism course equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a career in news reporting, writing, and media. The curriculum typically includes practical training and theoretical foundations that prepare students for various roles in the media industry.To pursue a journalism course in Kenya, candidates typically need to meet specific educational qualification and sometimes professional requirements. There is a dire demand in the field of professionals in journalism and mass media studies due to the sudden explosion of communication technology and media across the globe. Many social platforms are being added to the information palette along with the existing ones like newspapers, magazines and the audio-visual media and professionals are needed in all these platforms. Here’s a general overview of the qualifications and prerequisites for enrolling in a journalism course at various levels in Kenya:. Apply online

Qualification for Journalism Course in Kenya

Diploma level

  • Requirements: K.C.S.E C- Minus & above
  • Duration: 8 Terms
    • Diploma in Journalism (KNEC)
    • Diploma in Journalism and mass media studies (ICM)

Certificate Level

  • Requirements: K.C.S.E D Plain & above
  • Duration: 4 Terms
  1. Certificate in Journalism (ICM)

Short Courses- Open

  1. Radio & TV production ( 4 Terms)
  2. Video Editing & Production (4 Months)
  3. Photography (4 Months)
  4. Audio Production (4 Months)
  5. Graphic Design (4 Months)
  6. Motion Graphics (4 Months)

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